Strategic planning
Reconciling long term vision and immediate action in demanding environments
Case studies
Specific in-depth analysis and research
Territorial marketing
Differential assets: identification and promotion
Partnerships & coproduction
Innovation in public service delivery
Local Administrative Co-operation
Advisory and mentoring services to local government authorities and municipalities
Monitoring and policy evaluation
Cost-effective toolkits to inform policy design and evaluation
Big data & predictive analytics
Improving knowledge of business processes for optimal decision making
Change management & organizational improvement
Human capital as a key success factor
Process reengineering (BPR)
Workflow analysis and redesign within and between institutions
Digital Government
Designing strategies and implementing tailored solutions for the digital transition
PMO design & implementation
Designing effective management arrangements and training that deliver transformational projects
Accountability systems
Establishing results-based accountability systems and communicating them effectively
Policy appraisal & impact assessments
Getting people to know public policies and their impacts
Corporate communication & reputation management
Helping governments connect with their citizens